Ydalzue Perdomo is 37 years old. She was born with 6 months and was diagnosed of retinopathy of prematurity, a disease of the eye. “I am totally blind. Many of the images I have, are built with the information people give me. The most interesting for me, as a blind person, is to have other ways to understand the environment"
“This street should be declared World Heritage Site” says ironically Ydakzue because of all the holes, obstacles and horrible smells. She has to walk this street everyday to go to work.
An open space, stairs, a water mirror and a non-working fountain, an obelisk and the Venezuelan flag on the right. This is Plaza Altamira. Ydakzue wanted to take a photo because it is a landmark in Caracas, a very famous square in the east of the city, opened in the beginnings of the 40s. In the last years, this square became a concentration point for the opposition.
Ydalzue Perdomo is 37 years old. She was born with 6 months and was diagnosed of retinopathy of prematurity, a disease of the eye. “I am totally blind. Many of the images I have, are built with the information people give me. The most interesting for me, as a blind person, is to have other ways to understand the environment"
Victor Mendiola is 32 years old. He lost his sight because of glaucoma when he was studying mechanical engineering at the Universidad Central de Venezuela. We decided to go to the University because he knew it very well and I was interested in the architecture. At the end, he knew the place better than I did. He gave me a tour and I went to places I had never been before. Almost all the photos he took were based on places he remembered from his studying period.
Victor knew very well the sports area, during his studying he played tennis and other sports. When we arrived to the pool he said: the pool must be empty or the water must be terribly dirty.
Victor wanted to take a photo of Tierra de nadie, one of the most recognized meeting places within the university, it doesn’t belong to any of the faculties and the main characteristic is the open green space. Before taking the photo, he asked if the position of the camera was correct.
Victor Mendiola is 32 years old. He lost his sight because of glaucoma when he was studying mechanical engineering at the Universidad Central de Venezuela. We decided to go to the University because he knew it very well and I was interested in the architecture. At the end, he knew the place better than I did. He gave me a tour and I went to places I had never been before. Almost all the photos he took were based on places he remembered from his studying period.
Diego is 36 years old and lost his sight due to glaucoma. We went to the city center of Caracas and he took photos of places he remembered. He grabs my right arm and he guides me. He knew every street, corner, building. In just some hours he finished his disposable camera. He joined the BPP to show historical sites of Caracas and meet someone who lives a different reality than his.
Diego took a photo of the National Theater due to its historical value, but also because when he was 14 he presented here with the Blind Choir. It was his first solo performance.
Diego is 36 years old and lost his sight due to glaucoma. We went to the city center of Caracas and he took photos of places he remembered. He grabs my right arm and he guides me. He knew every street, corner, building. In just some hours he finished his disposable camera. He joined the BPP to show historical sites of Caracas and meet someone who lives a different reality than his.